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Oracle 작업 수행 남은 시간

by xfree302 2024. 2. 22.

Oracle 작업 수행 남은 시간

select *
  from v$session_longops

column type comment
sid number Session identifier
serial# number Session serial number
opname varchar2(64) Brief description of operation
target varchar2(64) The object on which the operation is carried out
target_desc varchar2(32) Description of the target
sofar number The units of work done so far
totalwork number The total units of work
units varchar2(32) The units of measurement
start_time date The starting time of operation
last_update_time date Time when statistics last updated
timestamp date Timestamp
time_remaining number Estimate(in seconds) of time remaining for the operation to complete
elapsed_seconds number The number of elapsed seconds from start of operations
context number Context
message varchar2(512) Statistics summary massage
username varchar2(30) User ID of the user performing the operation
sql_address raw(8) Used with the value of the SQL_VALUE column to identify the SQL statement associated with the operation
sql_hash_value number Used with the value of the SQL_ADDRESS column to identify the SQL statement associated with the operation
sql_id varchar2(13) SQL identifier of the SQL statement associated with the operation
sql_plan_hash_value number  
sql_exec_start date  
sql_exec_id number  
sql_plan_line_id number  
sql_plan_operation varchar2(30)  
sql_plan_options varchar2(30)  
qcsid number Session identifier of the parallel coordinator